Gosh, it's been a while! In my last post, I was embarking on a 2 month trip to Italy as I finalized my dual-citizenship. That was...over a year ago. Perhaps you wondered if I had ever returned! More likely, you completely forgot about me and this blog.
Momentum is a funny thing. I wrote consistently for almost 2 years before taking a two month break. When I returned from my trip, I had so much to share about that experience. I gained inspiration for my art and creativity, as well as inspiration for a new way of living life. So much had happened in two months, I didn't know where to begin. Writing about it felt daunting, so I didn't write. Then with each passing month there were new insights, new inspiration, new ideas, and it only became harder to know where to start...
Maybe you know the feeling.
There's still a lot to share, but instead of trying to fit a years worth of insight and updates in this one post, I want to take this opportunity to reintroduce myself, tell you that I've finally launched my online shop, and let you know what you can expect to see and hear from me moving forward.
So... hi. I'm Micah. I'm an artist, designer and entrepreneur who doesn't feel accurately represented by any of those words. I'm a Scorpio. I'm a big sister. I'm a Midwest born, New England raised, former New Yorker living and working in Los Angeles. I have lucid dreams, big ideas and never enough time. I'm on a journey to explore who I am as an creative being and to understand where I and my work fit in.
If you sign up for my newsletter, once a month you'll receive an intimate letter from me where I share a little about what I've been doing, exploring and thinking about over the past month. I'll also share things I've been inspired by, and any new updates about my work. The only other time you'll hear from me via email is when I launch a new collection.
The type of art and work I create will surely continue to evolve as I do, and my writing, and this blog is an invitation to join me along that journey. If you’re on my mailing list, I know you probably receive far too many emails in your inbox, and I'm honored that you signed up to hear from me at some point over the past two years. I'm excited to be back in your orbit.